T-minus a few minutes until the DuckDrop!! Tune into our Live Feed to watch!

To celebrate the Chinese New Year the 3rd and 4th graders studied traditions surrounding the New Year and constructed the dragons and lanterns.

ATTENTION: Change of date and time for the Great Duck Drop of 2025!!! To include all of our students , we are going to have the drop on Friday, January 31st at 2:45 in the gym. If you are free, come on out!

Junior High Girls Volleyball practice for tonight, January 24th, is cancelled due to illnesses.

Please turn SEALED bids in to the District Office by February 7th, at 3:00 pm.

Mrs. Cundiff's 5th/6th grade class finished their Westward Expansion Unit by making presentations of their choice!

Mrs. Cundiff's 5/6 graders are gearing up for "The Alaskan Iditarod".
They started their countdown to race day and took advantage of the snow to do a stem challenge. They designed and built their own sleds and then took them outside for test runs.

Unfortunately, the 5/6 game scheduled for tomorrow, 1/21, at Brussels will have to be rescheduled due to the e-learning day caused by the cold temperatures .

Due to dangerous conditions and frigid temperatures, Brussels CUSD 42 will have an e-learning day on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Elementary students have already received packets. Junior/high school students will use Classroom for instruction. Assignments will be posted by 9 and are due at 2. Students should make sure their work is attached and should check their email and all classrooms multiple times. Students will answer the question of the day on the Brussels Strong page. If your student does not have their materials, Mrs. Long will be at the high school from 6:15 to 7:15 tonight to allow students to get their things. The board meeting will happen as scheduled. Stay safe and warm.

At BHS seniors learned first hand what it takes to change the future one student at a time. After today they realize the hard work their teachers put in to help them learn and grow. Each teacher was randomly assigned a senior to "teach for the day." Students worked, learned, grew and most importantly laughed. Today was a really awesome day for all!
Mr. Baalman/Mrs. Schleeper - Matthew Kiel
Mrs. T. Long - Kevin Garcia
Mrs. Manker - Caydence Sievers
Mrs. Hartle - Taylor Carey
Ms. Stephens - Abby Johnes
Mrs. Johnes - Paige Pohlman
Mrs. Kiel - Olivia Brodbeck

The Great Duck Drop of 2025 is happening soon!!

For more information, please contact the Calhoun County Health Department!

Here is some information for any 3-12th grade students and full time college students that are interested in Trap!

Congratulations to our Q2 Honor and High Honor Roll Students!
High Honor:
Honor Roll:
Pictured Left to Right: Sofie, Patrick, Hailey, Kleear, Victor, John, Jacob, Jace, Stephen, Kinsley, and Maggie.

For students in 7-8 Grade, Carlinville Area Hospital is hosting a hands-on STEM experience! For more information call 618-791-3855 or email dwaller@imsa.edu
Register at:

Due to new snowfall covering existing icy patches on roadways and poor visibility, Brussels CUSD 42 will have an e-learning day on Friday, January 10, 2025.
Elementary students have already received e-learning packets from their teachers.
Junior and high school students will use Google Classroom for instruction. Assignments will be posted by 9:00 and are due at 2:00. Students should make sure their work is attached when they submit. Students should check their email and all Google Classrooms multiple times throughout the day. Teachers will check their email from 9:00 to 2:00 to answer questions. Students will answer the question of the day on the Brussels Strong page for attendance.
If your student does not have internet access due to the weather, please call the office and leave a voicemail.
Stay safe and warm.

Congratulations to our January Students of the Month!

During the 1st semester of school, BGS set a goal of 600 AR points to reach. For every 100 points after 600 that the students received, a Principal of the Day was drawn out of a hat. On December 20th, the students were chosen, and got to act like the Principal of the Day. Congrats to all of our future Principals, and to all of our students for EXCEEDING their goal of 600 AR points!

Four Rivers is offering Preschool Screenings for children aged 2 years and 8 months-5 years old. This will take place on Wednesday March 26th, 2025 from 9:30 am - 1:00 pm in the St. Mary's Auditorium. Please call 618-883-2124 to schedule an appointment.