Flying high in Mrs. Manker's Physics class. Students are learning about the scientific process and aerodynamics. ✈️

Below is Lewis and Clark Community Colleges Fall 2022 GED Class Schedule. They offer in person or online classes at several locations. Check it out if interested!

Lewis & Clark Community College is offering a FREE Construction Training for Adults. Anyone over the age of 18 is invited to participate in this 12 week class. This training starts on September 12th. See attached picture for more information.

Senior/Parent FAFSA Completion Workshop on October 6th from 6-8pm in High School Computer Lab.

The teachers are back and getting ready for a great year! See you all on Wednesday! We are excited!

Just a reminder...Meet the teacher night for 7th and 8th grade is tonight starting at 6:00.
Freshman/New Student Orientation for High School is tonight starting at 6:00.
If students would like to bring their items to put in t their lockers, they may.
Parents are encouraged to stay and participate. See you there!

Early Bird PE Students:
Early Bird PE will not begin until Monday, August 22. Please arrive at school by 8:30 on August 17, 18, and 19. We will dismiss at 2:00 on the 17th and 3:15 on the 18th and 19th. If you have questions, please email or call. Thanks! Mrs. Long

Brussels Grade School will host a Meet the Teacher Night on August 15 from 5 to 7 p.m. No appointment is necessary. Please come and meet the teacher and visit the classroom. We look forward to seeing you!

Hey All!
We are looking into possibly starting an ESports team. I have sent a survey out to all 8th graders (13 and older) through Seniors. Please check your email and fill out the survey. If you did not get the survey, please email me - plong@brussels42.net

Hey All!
In addition to our website we also offer an app. You can download the app in the Apple or Google Play store by searching:
Brussels CUSD 42
Download and enjoy!
I am still working with the developer to get a few glitches taken care, so your patience is appreciated. Please let me know if you have questions. plong@brussels42.net

Good Morning! We will be working on updating the webpage and will add more information as we get closer to school beginning. Please reach out with any questions you may have. We are getting excited! 😊

7/8 Grade Meet the Teacher Night
We will be back in the classroom before you know it. To help your students ease into Junior High School and for those who would like to meet the new 7th & 8th grade teacher, Mrs. Long, please plan to drop by on August 10 from 6:00 - 7:00 pm to introduce yourself and meet the teacher! If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Long at plong@brussels42.net. See you then!

Freshmen/New Student Orientation
On August 10 from 6:00 - 7:00 pm, we will host an orientation night for our Freshmen and any students new to the high school this coming school year. You will have the opportunity to walk through your schedule and meet your teachers for the coming year. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Long at plong@brussels42.net. Can't wait to see you!

Congratulations to Stephen Long and Brylee Messer! These students were chosen as the April students of the month. Though we are nearing the end of the year, these two have continued to work hard and keep improving. Keep up the great work. We are all so proud of you!

Last week we had an “egg-cellent” day for an “eggs-periment”! Students compared brown and white eggs. The brown eggs held 34 books and the white eggs held 20 books. Thanks Mrs. Murphy!

Congratulations to Haylee Kress and Gaybrielle Henry for being chosen to attend the Illinois Rural Electric Youth to Washington, DC program this summer. Both ladies answered a series of questions, and those answers landed them a once in a lifetime opportunity, all for free. Brussels is extremely proud of both of you!

A few great studying strategies for middle schoolers in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4NbpfeAKYE

We wish all of our students and their families a wonderful weekend!